Elon Plans on Crypto Payments For Twitter

Elon Plans on Crypto Payments For Twitter

Kris Kay
Kris Kay


  • Twitter has started applying for payments licenses across the U.S.
  • Elon allegedly wants fiat first, and ability to add crypto payments later. (FT)
  • Wouldn't be Musk's first crypto payments integration

Origins of Elon's Crypto Integrations:

Ah yes, good times, March 2021, crypto markets were pumping non-stop, green candles for days, and Elon had just dropped 2 bullish adoption events:

  1. Tesla cars were allowed to be purchased with Bitcoin
  2. Tesla, the company, added $1.5 BILLION of Bitcoin to its balance sheet.

Yeah.. February 2021 was a crazy time.

Fast forward to 2023, and Elon owns Twitter, and is now applying for payments licenses to offer to users.

Apparently sources say Elon isn't thinking crypto, not right away at least.

Sources say Elon is prioritizing fiat first, but has crypto in mind to be added later.

To crypto-natives this doesn't come as a surprise, we already know how much faster and easier on-chain payments are, but it would be another step in the ladder to mainstream adoption, so we're all happy if it happens.

Which currencies will they chose?

While Elon has shown his support for Bitcoin in the past, i.e:

He has also shown his criticism of Bitcoin, a lot:

We never know with Elon, although we do know he's a smart guy, and smart guys are usually open-minded to 'better' tech.

We'll be reporting on it as soon as we get word of any updates to this payments saga, in the mean time:

Happy HODL'ing!